Legislation that would add ‘detached’ accessory dwelling units (ADUs) to property that qualifies for the senior citizen and disabled persons property tax exemption passed the Senate on Friday.
House Bill 2375, sponsored by Rep. Keith Goehner, passed unanimously just before the 5 p.m. cutoff for the Senate to pass House bills.
“This legislation would help those who need it most, our senior citizens and disabled, who qualify for a property tax exemption. It simply makes the exemption policy more uniform by including detached ADUs with attached ADUs,” said Goehner, R-Dryden. “Many are struggling to find affordable housing. This would increase housing options by allowing more ADUs, and it does not impact property taxes.”
The issue was brought to Goehner by a constituent who is on a fixed income and is providing housing to a relative who is also on a limited income.
“The legislation would provide an affordable housing opportunity with the tax exemption,” added Goehner. “For those who want to utilize the housing tax exemption, a detached ADU would also give them a little more privacy or independent living situation.”
The bill passed the Senate by a vote of 49-0 and passed the House 95-1 on Feb. 13. Since the Senate did not amend the measure, it now goes to the governor’s desk for his signature.
The Legislature is scheduled to adjourn on Thursday, March 7.